The Hoosier Company, Inc. Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories   Real Estate & Construction >> Construction Suppliers >> Traffic Control Devices The Hoosier Company, Inc. 5421 W 86th StIndianapolis, IN 46268 | map | directions (317) 872-8125 Visit Site Hoosier has provided quality construction services and highway safety products to the construction industry for over 90 years. Located in Indianapolis, Hoosier installs traffic signals, roadway signs, lighting, ITS systems, and airport signs and lighting throughout Indiana. Hoosier also provides attenuator’s, TMA’s, steel barrier, pedestrian ADA devices and other products throughout the Midwest. Hoosier is a prequalified contractor and a certified WBE in Indiana. Member Since: 1986 Send a message to: The Hoosier Company, Inc. Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Message: (Date: 2/13/2025)